
What are Roses?

A Great British favourite. Roses are flowering plants that belong to the family Rosaceae. They are known for their beautiful, fragrant flowers that come in a wide range of colours, including red, pink, yellow, white, and even black.

Key Information:

Types of Roses:

1. Hybrid Tea Roses: These are the most popular type of rose and are known for their large, single blooms on long stems.
2. Floribunda Roses: These roses produce clusters of smaller blooms on shorter stems.
3. Grandiflora Roses: These are a cross between hybrid tea and floribunda roses and produce large blooms in clusters.
4. Climbing Roses: These roses are known for their long, flexible stems that can be trained to climb up walls, trellises, and other structures.
5. Shrub Roses: These are hardy, low-maintenance roses that produce clusters of blooms on compact bushes.
6. Miniature Roses: These are small, compact roses that produce tiny blooms on small bushes.
7. Old Garden Roses: These are roses that were developed before the 20th century and are known for their fragrant, antique-looking blooms.

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